We have open enrollment for Education beta partners.
Ideal candidate profiles are below:
- Accredited Higher Education institution
- Enrollment size greater than 5,000
- Both public and private institutions are welcome
- Diverse student population (HSI, MSI, etc.)
- Running multiple student success initiatives for measurement purposes via SIS, CRM, or LMS systems
- Big plus if the institution is a PDP user with National Student Clearinghouse
- 50% discount on all current products and services
- Joint grant collaboration opportunity
- Measure causal impact on critical factors: Equity gaps, persistence, graduation, Carnegie and institutional rankings, etc.)
- Member of our research study to be released in 2023. Titled "What works and for whom in Student Success using Causal AI & ML"
- Product steering committee membership
- Advisory board member (2 seats max)
- Early insights and learnings on future research publications before publicly released